Remember, Remember, the 5th of November...

Remember, remember, the 5th of November, when Well&Truly launched their brand new Banging BBQ flavour...

We’ve given our crisps a proper sweet and savoury rubdown and nearly thrown them on the grill to get the most BANG in each bite. If you’ve always wondered how to replicate the smokiness of a BBQ in your mouth, these are how. Oh, and the succulent meaty flavour? All vegan. Pinky swear.

What better way to launch ‘Banging BBQ’ than with a load of actual explosives (yes, actual explosives), sent to a few of our favourites, along with our BANGING new flavour (see what we did there?).

We surprised them all with rockets, sparklers, fun snaps and, of course, Banging BBQ to Well&Truly delight them on this year’s Bonfire Night. Because hey, what’s more #naughtyish than explosives in the post?